Dear ALS Community,
As we close the final full week of the school year, we can look back on a hugely successful term. I have been continually impressed with the dedication of the children to their studies and the consistent quality of lessons throughout the school. I think, for everyone, this term has been challenging. Whether we are conscious of it or not, there is an emotional cost for all of us as a result of Covid-19. Whilst we have been fortunate at ALS to be able to risk assess a (more or less) normal school day, we’re still having to amend our behaviours from what we’re used to. Much as the pupils and staff have adapted wonderfully to these measures to minimise the risk from Covid-19, it doesn’t mean it has been easy for anyone. So, in the hope you’ll forgive me if I overstep, I’d like to use the weekly email to issue a single directive to every person in our community; you owe it to yourself to relax, rest and recharge. After all, whether it’s the energy needed for parents to support their children, children to learn at their best or for teachers to teach at their best, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
Whilst the vaccine will, hopefully, provide us with a return to some sort of normality in due course, guidance being issued to schools is to expect the Spring Term to be on the same terms as the Autumn. That means the same measures and the same possibility of a positive case in school needing multiple pupils to isolate. With this in mind, I’d also like to ask the community to be vigilant before returning pupils to school in January. If you have any doubt that your child may have symptoms, please do keep them home until you’ve had a chance to have a test. That said, we’re going to begin planning for events to resume for the Summer Term with a Summer Open Day, a Summer Celebratory BBQ as well as our annual Prize Giving all in the offing. It may be that these events are unable to go ahead, but I’d rather be on the front foot on the chance that we can celebrate together. Mr Smart’s BBQ skills may have gone rusty by then so we’ll need him to get back in training. I envisage a rocky-style montage of Mr Smart preparing for the return as the BBQ King.
This week, as it’s a 13 week term, we’ve used all of our mantras and instead we’re focusing on Christmas Spirit. If you’ve been around ALS for a while, you’ll know that my angle in most Christmas speeches is to connect the ideals for this time of the year back to the ALS ethos and culture. Gratitude, kindness, family, community…this is pretty much what we extol for the ALS community all year round. Still, embracing those values a little more at this time of year is still a lovely thing to do. On Wednesday, at 4pm, we’ll release our Virtual Christmas Concert which showcases some of our exceptionally talented musicians. Keep an eye on our social media channels (Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram) for the release of the video. I’m sure you’ll find it is a wonderful way to celebrate the start of the Christmas holidays.
I am delighted to share that Mr Dobson, Mr Hawkins and Mr Scott have been appointed as our three Heads of House. Our Heads of Houses will take up post from January and will focus on championing of the houses and competitive spirit. The posts are set out to lead on the House System and to increase competitions and to encourage participation in events. Mr Dobson, Mr Hawkins and Mr Scott teach from Reception to Year 13 and so already have a wonderful window within which to lead their house for the whole school. Mr Dobson, as you’d expect, will lead Amicus House with Mr Hawkins and Mr Scott leading Veritas and Dedicas. Mr Hawkins and Mr Scott are currently both in Dedicas, so there is something of a new sorting process to go through to identify the new Head of Veritas and the new Head of Dedicas.
Today, we have interviewed for the role of School Nurse to provide additional expertise to our Wellbeing Team. Mrs Clarke, our School Counsellor, has been superb in supporting children and the addition of a School Nurse who can provide further counselling support as well as leading on first aid and medical care plans is the right move, particularly as the school grows. We’re yet to make a decision on the successful candidate but I will write to confirm once we have the Nurse in post with us.
Having enjoyed Christmas Jumper day today, we now look forward to Christmas lunch on Tuesday.
Best wishes,
David Preston | Headteacher
December 11th 2020