Dear ALS Community,
This morning, we were able to hold our first ‘in person’ staff briefing of this academic year (socially distanced in the hall with masks on, of course). Whilst it is only a small part of the school week, having our whole staff team from Senior, Junior and Operations together to celebrate the school week as a whole team has been an important part of our school ethos and culture and we haven’t been able to hold an in-person briefing since March 2020 so the return this morning feels like a wonderful next step towards ‘normal’ school life.
In the next week or two, the Department for Education are due to provide an update on the expected measures that will run throughout the rest of the Summer Term. In particular, this will be in reference to mixing of bubbles and the wearing of masks in classrooms for Senior pupils. Once I know the line from the DfE, I’ll review the new guidance with the rest of the leadership team in school and provide an update as soon as I am able. As always, we’ll strive to walk the line that keeps children as safe as they can be whilst also ensuring the highest quality educational provision that we can.
For next week, the mantra comes from Veritas: Live the school values; don’t just talk about them. Throughout the pandemic, the school values and mantras have provided an ‘anchor’ for our community to keep hold of and I know that they are at the heart of the reason why ALS has been so successful recently. In many ways, throughout the pandemic this line from Veritas has been the most pertinent to our community as it has served as a key reminder to always act with kindness (towards both others and ourselves), to give our best and to act with honesty and integrity.
Arnies, run by Fun for Kids, will be hosting a Half Term Holiday club (Tuesday 1st June – Friday 4th June) here onsite at Arnold Lodge School. It will be a week filled with arts & crafts, multi sports, dance and performing arts lessons and party days. If you would like to find out more or book your child onto the Holiday camp please click here (
On Monday, Mr Gear will be sending out more details about the Rockley Trip going ahead in June. If your child is going on the trip, please keep your eyes peeled on Monday for this communication. The opportunity to have a residential trip after the past few months is a wonderful thing and I am certain the pupils going on the trip will gain much from the experience. Last February, just before Covid-19 hit, we spent time working on our planning for the trip cycle for future years. Clearly this has faced some disruption. Later on this term, I’ll review our planned residential trips for the future and then send out the long-term trip planning document so you can see the upcoming opportunities for your child.
Best wishes,
David Preston | Headteacher
May 7th 2021